Behind the Curtain by Nathan Halliday

Red curtains tease the stage. A familiar must floats in the air, thick with the work from past performers. Almost like their sweat and tears settled into the fabric of this place. The El Rey. 

2 hours and counting before a run through of Life through Dance. Artists are about to grace the stage with their movement, and I am cloaked behind a lens waiting for the magic to take me away. Hairspray, costumes, countless pairs of shoes, champagne, and deodorant everywhere. The life of a dancer. 

Yosemite in January by Nathan Halliday

Monday, January 27

The sun kisses the sky at 6:10am, waking the trees and warming the sweet, pine-filled air.

A sunrise over Yosemite valley.  

Its 24°F, crisp and green. A skyline of Ponderosa in my sights from the lookout at a weather station over-viewing half dome. Standing between hundred foot Sequoias, the magnificence of this place really hits you, expressing its prominence in reconnecting with the ever so present world around. Being able to feel existence surrounding us, an alive forest chirping in response. 

Feliz Nuevo Mexico by Nathan Halliday

A steeple cuts through the dry cold sky of Albuquerque, NM in December. Sometimes, only Pasole and Mexican hot chocolate can provide the soul the warmth it needs here.  New Mexican food is something you can't understand unless you have had the food, and then realized you cant get it anywhere else. It's the one thing I physically miss from this place, like a green chile based addiction.

Standing out, watching the fading sun light up the vast southwestern sky, you realize the magic of the land and the people. The simplicity, and the value in that simplicity.